Fiscal & Financial

Our accounting services ensure the compliance with tax obligations and the creation of a true and fair accounting picture of the company, in a way that entrepreneurs can use their time to build their businesses, and not for managing their accounting. Perfinco helps you to efficiently transform the process of financial management by working in close contact with you, in order to better understand your business and needs, and to meet its objectives. We wish to embrace the full satisfaction of our clients as an essential commitment by offering a service tailored to their needs, to ensure a more effective management and the creation of trustworthy relationships.
Payroll Processing
Human resources are an essential element for the success of any company. The payroll processing is, by nature, a complex and time-consuming task. To that end, we have qualified and motivated collaborators to execute them, thereby ensuring a full compliance with labour laws. Among the services we provide in this area, we highlight the monthly payroll processing, the issuing of the respective receipts, the compliance with legal obligations before social security and the tax administration, the filling and issuing of the single report, or the issuing of annual tax returns.
Tax Compliance
Tax law is increasingly more complex nowadays, and its compliance is, in every time and circumstance, essential to prevent penalties. Perfinco works with you to ensure that everything is in place. That all compulsory tax returns are complied and delivered on time. We provide Tax Compliance services, for both organizations and individual taxable persons (IRS, VAT, Social Security). Even if your activity is not commercial, you may have to fill in some sort of legal declaration, such as, if you are an entity from the non-profit sector, wherefore we also work with Private Social Solidarity Institutions and NGO in supporting the compliance with your tax obligations.