Human Resources


Human Resource Management

The employees of a company are its most valuable assets. It is essential that the Human Resources departments are capable of responding to the daily administration management requests of their employees. At Perfinco, the administrative management of human resources team is able to comply with the tasks required to a good personnel management, namely signings, redundancies, registration changes, calculating vacations and subsidies, reporting, communications for Social Security and insurance, or incentives management. In this department, Perfinco’s objective is to offer a quality and efficient service in complying with all obligations, based on the constant monitoring of the frequent amendments to labour legislation. OMNIA Employee Integrated Management of Human Resources by PRIMAVERA BSS Simplify the administrative management of Human Resources. With OMNIA Employee, there is no more unnecessary administrative work. Processes such as handling expenditure, vacation and overtime, absenteeism, statements, payslips, registration, training and all sorts of contractual information will now be tangible through a web application available to the entire organization, whether on your computer or on any mobile device with Internet access. With OMNIA Employee, your collaborators just need an Internet access to become autonomous in the consultation of contractual information, personal information update, expenditure entry, vacation, absences, and overtime. Thus, the team manager and the Human Resources department just have to worry about the approval, and everything shall be recorded in the ERP, without any administrative work. Have you imagined how much time you will save?

Eliminate the administrative burden from your company
OMNIA Employee allows you to:
  1. Centralize the administrative processes of Human Resources in a single solution
  2. Provide, without any effort, up-to-date information
  3. Quickly disseminate institutional information throughout the whole organization
  4. Gain agility in expense management
  5. Give autonomy to collaborators in personal information management
  1. Optimize approval processes, maintaining all the rigour
  2. Streamline the work of team managers
  3. Access information from any mobile device
  4. Capitalize the investment made in your management system